2015年2月22日 星期日


總題 : 主的恢復之主要內容





In order to be today's overcomers, we must maintain the ground of oneness, God's unique choice, without elevating anything other than Christ; in the Lord's recovery we elevate Christ and Christ alone.

The church as the organic Body of Christ, the fullness of the One who fills all in all, is the issue of the dispensing of the Divine Trinity, which is accomplished by the transmission of the great power of God" toward us who believe" and "to the church."

The all-inclusive Christ, the One who is both God and man, is the centrality and universality of the economy of God and the mystery of God the definition, explanation, and expression of God.

Through and in His resurrection, Christ as the last Adam became the life-giving Spirit,the consummated and compound Spirit, to impart life and to enter into His believers to flow out as rivers of living water

第一篇 召會一的立場與分裂相對

聖經中的一乃是包羅萬有的一'是敬虔的奧秘、彰顯神,完成神心頭的渴望; 分裂則是無所不包的分裂,是不法的奧祕彰顯撒但,執行撒但陰謀的詭計



我們要作今日的得勝者,就必須維持一的立場,就是神獨一的選擇,不高抬任何基督以外的事物; 在主的恢復中,我們單單高舉基督

第二篇 召會是基督生機的身體 那在萬有中充滿萬有者的豐滿





第三篇 包羅萬有的基督是神的奧祕



第四篇 賜生命、複合的靈與在基督裹神聖的生命



第五篇 神話語神聖的啟示





One   The Church Ground of Oneness versus Division

I. The oneness in the Bible is an all-inclusive oneness for the expression of God as the mystery of godliness to carry out the desire of God's heart, and division is an all-inclusive division for the expression of Satan as the mystery of lawlessness to carry out the scheme of Satan's plot

II. The unique
ground of Jerusalem, the place where the temple as God's dwelling place was built on Mount Zion, typifies the unique ground of God's choice, the ground of oneness-Dent.

III. The
church life on the ground of oneness is today's Jerusalem; within the church life there must be a group of overcomers, and these overcomers are today's Zion

IV. In order
to be today's overcomers, we must maintain the ground of oneness, God's unique choice, without elevating anything other than Christ; in the Lord's recovery we elevate Christ and Christ alone

Two   The Church as the Organic Body of Christ  -  the Fullness of the One Who Fills All in All

I. The
church as the Body of Christ is absolutely organic, absolutely of life, with nothing organizational

II. The
church as the organic Body of Christ is Christ's fullness, His expression, as the One who fills all in all

III. The
church as the organic Body of Christ, the fullness of the One who fills all in all, is the issue of the dispensing of the Divine Trinity

IV. The
dispensing of the Divine Trinity to produce the church as the organic Body of Christ, the fullness of the One who fills all in all, is accomplished by the transmission of the great power of God "toward us who believe" and ''to the church"

Three    The  All-inclusive Christ as the Mystery of God

Colossians reveals the all-inclusive Christ, the One who is both God and man

ll. The
all-inclusive Christ is the mystery of God

Four   The Life-giving and Compound Spirit and the Divine Life in Christ

I. "The
last Adam became a life-giving Spirit"

"God gave to us eternal life and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life"

Five   The Divine Revelation of the Word of God

I.  The Lord's recovery is not an ordinary
Christian work; the Lord's recovery is something from deep in the heart of God and revealed in His Word; our understanding and exposition of the Bible are different from traditional theology because we care for the desire of God's heart, which He has shown to us from the Word

II. We need
to know the essence of the Word of God

III. There
are three lines of truth in the divine revelation in the Word of God the central line, the line of supplemental points, and "the leaves and the branches":

IV. We need

to have a proper understanding of five crucial truths in the revelation of the Word of God